a photo collage of the base model Skylark attic stair and the Skylark Concertina attic stair

Up until recently, opening traditional attic stairs required home owners to stand on stools, reach handles with long poles and use their manual strength to open the doors and extend the ladders.

Skylark realized that these types of loft ladders were not easy or safe for everyone to use, particularly those with reduced mobility.

Now with Skylark Attic Stairs, all home owners can benefit from a loft ladder that can be fully opened, extended, and closed safely by the touch of one button.

The Stairway Shop carries two models of Skylark: the original model with a 500 lb capacity, and the newer Concertina with a 330 lb capacity that fits excellently into tighter spaces. Learn more about each of these models and order yours today via the links below!